Types Of Shoppers – 6 Types Of Shoppers And How To Appeal To Their Interest
Types Of Shoppers – 6 Types Of Shoppers And How To Appeal To Their Interest
Stepping into a mall, you get to meet different types of shoppers. Many don’t know this, but different people have different shopping attitudes, making them different. A whole lot of people make the mistake of not understanding the type of shopper they are and what works best for them. And they most times make mistakes when shopping.
But who is a shopper? A shopper describes a customer’s shopping behaviour, preferences and buying habits in a store. Having explained who a shopper is, different types of shoppers vary, but we’ll be discussing 6 types of shoppers.
Types Of Shoppers
Knowing the type of shopping habit that works for you and your potential clients can save you a lot of hassle, especially when it comes to your dealings with them at the store, market or even shopping malls. So, that’s why we’ll be exploring 6 types of shoppers, and they include the following:
- The Bargain Hunter Shopper
- The Mission-driven Shopper
- The Indecisive Shopper
- The Impulsive Shopper
- The Loyal Customer
- The perfectionist
- The Bargain Hunter Shopper: As the name implies, this type of shopper doesn’t buy unless he makes a deal. He looks for the most profitable and lowest price available to him to buy, all in the name of saving money. He doesn’t necessarily care about the quality of what he buys and may sometimes buy what he doesn’t need in the end.
- The Mission-driven Shopper: These shoppers are the type who go for a particular product or who shop with a list. They are called the “list shoppers”. They buy only what they initially planned on getting without adding anything or exceeding their budget because they already have a physical or mental note on what they need or want to buy.
- The Indecisive Shopper: This is usually the type of shopper who doesn’t know what to pick from. They struggle so hard to decide on what they want primarily because they lack information and enough money to go for the item. They usually need to be convinced in order for them not to abandon the cart and leave without buying anything. they are naturally not confident with their own choices, so they need to be given appropriate attention.
- The Impulsive Shopper: This type of shopper buys impulsively and spontaneously. They are always excited to try new things and want to go all out to get the best for themselves. They never want to miss out on the fun experience and are most times clouded by their emotions. They are the easiest to please as you can appeal to their emotions through stories, offer attractive items and so on to get to them.
- The Loyal Customer: They are the die-hard lovers of branded products. They stay loyal to a particular brand and are consistent in their patronage to them. They do not need any sort of convincing. But they go all out to recommend your brand. These shoppers are sometimes meant to be rewarded by the brand to help encourage them.
- The perfectionist: This is more like a shopper on a mission, but his mission is not getting things done as fast as possible, but he takes his time and does his research. He focuses and wants to go for the best quality. He isn’t bothered by the price but is concerned with getting the work done perfectly to his criteria. His criteria may include a list of unrealistic expectations that may be achievable.
As an individual, it is important that you understand yourself first. How? By knowing what type of shopper you are. It is not to be underestimated how important it is to understand the type of shopper you are in order to avoid certain mistakes.
Any organisation that wants to grow must be able to know how to handle its customers, and knowing the types of shoppers we have is a step toward having a more in-depth knowledge of your customers. This is applicable to anybody and any organisation that wants to be better. we hope this article was helpful to you. till next time.